Jicama Cubes

When we moved to Canada, it was hard to find Korean produce, my mother tried to find vegetables similar in texture to the produce in Korea. Here is a simple kimchi.

I love the crispy textures and clean taste of jicama, especially when eaten fresh. Koreans enjoy freshly made kimchi just as much as the fermented kinds.

What you will need:

  • jicama

  • chives (or scallions)

  • shallots or red onions, minced (optional)

  • sesame seeds

  • dash of salt, to taste (optional)


  • peel the jicama and cut into cubes and place in a bowl.

  • cut chives 1/2" length and toss into the bowl.

  • add kimchi sauce (to taste) and mix to incorporate sauce evenly. 

  • garnish with sesame seeds - can be eaten immediately or made a few hours in advance.

it's delicious & good for you:

jicama is full of vitamins (vitamin C, potassium, folates, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, and thiamin); minerals (magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese); antioxidants, dietary fiber and water. 


suin park